Illegal immigration is destroying our country


Illegal immigration is destroying our county. I’m not the only one shouting that the sky is falling.

Last September New York City Mayor Eric Adams related how 110,000 illegal migrants are affecting the Big Apple. “Let me tell you something, New Yorkers. Never in my life have I had a problem that I did not see an ending to.” Adams said. “ I don’t see an ending to this. I don’t see an ending to this. This issue will destroy New York City. Destroy New York City.”

That figure of 110,000 is a drop in the bucket. A story posted on Fox News on Feb. 20 this year reported that “nearly 7.2 million migrants have illegally crossed the southwest border under President Biden’s watch, a number greater than the population of 36 individual states.” That post was fact-checked by and received a “true” rating. That number does not include 1.5 million known “gotaways.” 

During this time, Democrats across the board, including Vice President Kamala Harris and DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, have repeatedly claimed the border is secure. This would be like the captain of the Titanic telling his passengers they have nothing to worry about.

The latest city in the news being overrun by illegals is Springfield, Ohio. With a population of just 56,000, over 15,000 Haitian immigrants have invaded the city. On Thursday, former Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy hosted a town hall meeting there.

Crime in Springfield is up. “In this town alone, there are double the number of shoplifting crimes in the last two years,” said Ramaswamy. “ Auto thefts are up by 50 percent in that same time frame.”

Hundreds of residents spoke at the meeting about how they fear for their safety. One woman shared her experience of an illegal immigrant who chased her and her daughter down the street with a machete. Her daughter has also been stalked by an illegal in Walmart. She gave up filing a report with the police after waiting two hours.

A report by the Department of Justice in 2021 shows that 64 percent of federal arrests in 2018 were of non-citizens, despite the fact that they only comprised 7 percent of the population at that time. The Biden administration has failed to update this report.

The state of Texas’ Department of Public Safety maintains a database showing crimes by non-citizens in the Lone-Star state. The report says, “Between June 1, 2011, and Aug. 31, 2024, 312,000 illegal non-citizens (as classified by the Department of Homeland Security) were charged with more than 542,000 criminal offenses which included arrests for 1,006 homicide charges, 69,515 assault charges; 9,736 burglary charges; 63,438 drug charges; 1,277 kidnapping charges; 27,292 theft charges; 42,259 obstructing police charges; 3,093 robbery charges; 6,850 sexual assault charges; 7,882 sexual offense charges; and 6,696 weapon charges.”

These are figures for Texas. Imagine what it is for the rest of the country.

Democrats and the left-wing media continually tell us that immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than US born citizens. Try explaining that to the residents of Aurora, Colorado where a video last month showed armed Venezuelan gang members taking over an apartment building. Aurora is, unfortunately, a suburb of Denver, the capital of Colorado, and a sanctuary city.

The Venezuelan Tren de Aragua gang is now setting up shop in Chicago’s South Side clashing with local black gangs, all with the help of Uncle Sam. Zacc Massie, a local Chicago gang member, told the New York Post last week, “They be moving in our own territory and robbing people, but they don’t get arrested like we do. I actually talked to one on the translator app. He told me all the things he got going on; how they helped him get a car, an apartment, (EBT) card, all this stuff. They giving them thousands, we get maybe $400 a month.”

It is a well-known fact that drug cartels in Mexico have used the immigration crisis at our southern border to distract agents from drug smuggling, resulting in fentanyl overdoses being the No. 1 cause of death among US adults from 18-45.

Finally, in 2023, according to the Federation For American Immigration Reform (FAIR), “the net cost of illegal immigration for the United States — at the federal, state, and local levels — was at least $150.7 billion.” 

Illegal immigration is destroying our country, and Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are to blame. If you want illegal immigration curtailed, vote for Trump. If you don’t care about America, vote for Harris.