Former VP Cheney can’t even support GOP candidate


Dear Editor,

What used to be the Republican Party of Reagan and Bush has been taken over by extremists to such an extent, that even George W. Bush’s Vice President, Dick Cheney, has endorsed the Democrat for President.

In Missouri, the Republican control of the state legislature over the last 20 years has produced record dysfunction and chaos and has left Missouri at the bottom of many important national rankings, including access to healthcare, education funding, the health of our rural infrastructure, etc.

Harry Truman, Missouri’s most famous Democrat, is consistently rated one of the best Presidents in history for his common sense leadership and for fighting for the freedoms of regular working people. He believed in learning from history and books, not banning or burning them.

Missouri voters have consistently voted for issues on the ballot that Democrats have long championed, including protecting workers by stopping so-called “right-to-work” laws, supporting Clean Missouri campaign finance reforms, Medicaid expansion, and legalizing Marijuana. This November, Missouri voters will have the opportunity to restore our reproductive rights and send a message to overreaching politicians that it is time to get out of our personal decisions and doctors’ offices.

Instead of respecting the will of Missouri voters, Missouri Republicans have worked to defund, undermine, or repeal the results of these referendums, and because Missouri voters have consistently used our popular initiative petition processes to address important issues that the Republican-controlled legislature has refused to act on, these Republicans now want to make that process way harder.

It’s time to stop voting for this Republican Party until they learn to listen better to Missourians.

Protect the rights we vote for this November and send the message that it is time to get to work for Missouri.

Vote for Missouri Democrats. Missouri Democrats offer a clear alternative built on the best traditions and values of President Truman, with a vision for a brighter future protecting the freedoms of Missouri citizens embodied in our Democratic candidates on the ballot Nov. 5:

Lucas Kunce, U.S. Senate

Bethany Mann, U.S. Congress

Crystal Quade, Governor

Richard Brown, Lt. Governor

Barb Phifer, Secretary of State

Mark Osmack, State Treasurer

Elad Gross, Attorney General


Gasconade County Democrats