A response to Mr. Gene Lange


Dear Editor,

I have twice now read a letter in the UD from Mr. Gene Lange. I feel that after his last edition, where he felt the need to reduce himself to name calling and spouting inaccuracies, that I must send a rebuttal. I want to correct several misstatements made by Mr. Lange.

1. Mr. Lange stated that he “agrees fully with AJ that the test is wrong.”  First, there is no TEST. The vetting procedure includes a SURVEY where there are no wrong answers. You just choose the statement that most closely aligns with your values. If your values are aligned with the Republican platform values adopted not only in Osage County, but also in Missouri and at the national level, and the remaining vetting process shows that your record defends those values, you are a vetted Republican. If not, perhaps your values would be best demonstrated by running under another party which is more closely aligned with your thinking, or as an Independent. You are certainly welcome to run in that case, just not stating that you hold Republican values.

Second, I do not believe that AJ has stated the opinion that vetting is wrong, at least not to the Republican committee he hasn’t. In fact, the last communication with Mr. Probst, he stated no such thing, and was encouraged to vet and run as a Republican by the committee chair. At least twice in his latest letter, Mr. Lange puts words in AJ’s mouth. How interesting that Gene Lange seems to have become AJ’s spokesperson. I wonder how AJ feels about that.

2. Mr. Lange stated that “any idiot could pass their test and there is no lie detector assuring that candidates of low moral character are anointed by the party.”  Please refer to my first point; it is a survey, Mr. Lange. Considering that Mr. Lange has not completed the vetting process, I am not sure how he can speak to the intelligence or the moral character of those who have done so. Mr. Lange, are you calling all the current vetted Republican Candidates idiots with low moral character? Shame on you! It certainly speaks to your own intelligence to spew accusations such as that. Since I am a vetted Republican, I can assure you that I take extreme offense that you would call me a low-class idiot. Sir, you do not know me, and you have no right to slander me! I would remind Mr. Lange that we live in “The Show-Me” State. If you are a Republican candidate for office, show me your republican values.

3. Mr. Lange has many accusations about Vernon County. I will not speak to those statements because he bases his tirade on the mistaken fact that vetting is a product of Vernon County. Certainly, Vernon County has been a leader in moving to vetting candidates, but the OCRC adopted vetting after extensive research, state level meetings, and using guidance from REPACCMO, not Vernon County.

4. Mr. Lange stated that “I would never seek to join these supposed Republicans or wear their badge of being vetted.”  In fact, this is an outright lie. Mr. Lange filed with the clerk to be a committee member and was rejected by the committee because he refused to vet. The OCRC bylaws require vetting of all members to represent Osage County. I am sorry, I am calling “sour grapes” here.

5. Mr. Lange states that responsible Republicans trust the voters to vet the candidates. Does Mr. Lange not remember that other party citizens vote too? Of course, voters vet the candidates at the polls, all parties without exception. The responsible Republicans of Osage County count on the Republican Central Committee to make sure that Republican candidates, not RINOS or “liberal plants” are on the Republican ticket. That is our main function, to promote Republican values and candidates in Osage County.

6. Mr. Lange has stated several times that he “served 20 years in the Missouri House of Representatives”. I respect and appreciate Mr. Lange’s years of service in the state legislature. However, I believe that it is highly likely that much has changed since his time at the state level. He also states that he served with “Doc” Townley. Mr. Lange, you may not know this since you are NOT from Osage County, but “Doc” was the chair of the OCRC for many years. I believe he would be proud of our efforts to promote transparency and Republican values in Osage County. He would certainly have no problem suggesting a place for you to shove your chaos, name calling, and misinformation. The issue is not if “we trust the voters of Osage County,” the issue is, can the voters of Osage County trust us.

7. In his first letter to the editor, which was the first most of us had ever heard of Gene Lange, he stated he attended the Lincoln Day dinner and was not happy with the hand counting demonstration. Mr. Lange did, in fact, attend the Lincoln Day dinner, and we did perform a hand counting demonstration, in which fully 80% of those participating achieved the correct hand count based on quick instructions in a loud room. To say that he thinks this was ineffective and stupid in the newspaper a week later demonstrates once again that Mr. Lange prefers duplicitous methods of airing his discontent rather than a direct approach.

8. My last point. Mr. Lange, bless his heart, is happy to throw scary words around like “WOKE” and call names in the newspaper. Yet he has sat silently at an OCRC meeting, suggesting he has not the conviction to address his issues directly with the committee. I believe that the voters of Osage County deserve to be sure that Republican candidates have Republican values. I do not know what Mr. Lange’s values are. He states he is a proud Osage County Republican, but I suggest he should reexamine his values, because being a passive-aggressive name caller is nothing to be proud of.

Respectfully submitted,

Robin Lieneke, Member,

Osage County Republican

Central Committee

Benton Township