Hermann bond issue on ballot receives support


We are writing to express our enthusiastic support for the upcoming ballot initiative regarding the issuance of bonds to fund crucial improvements to Hermann’s sewer system. This initiative is vital for ensuring the continued health, safety, and economic prosperity of our city.

The top priority of these sewer revenue bonds is to relocate the lift station from the flood plain at Lion’s Field. This move is essential to protect our sewer infrastructure from the risks associated with flooding. By relocating the lift station to a safer location, we can ensure the reliability and safety of our sewer system, particularly during severe weather events.

The current sewer infrastructure is aging and increasingly unable to meet the demands of our population. The proposed upgrades and expansions, including the critical relocation of the lift station, are not just necessary but urgent. These improvements will ensure compliance with state and federal environmental regulations, which is vital for protecting our beautiful natural surroundings and the quality of life we cherish in Hermann.

Investing in our sewer system will have several key benefits:

•Environmental Protection: Improved sewer treatment and the relocation of the lift station will reduce the risk of contamination in our rivers and streams, safeguarding wildlife and preserving our natural heritage for future generations.

• Public Health: Modernized infrastructure will prevent potential public health hazards caused by outdated and flood-prone systems. This will ensure that our drinking water remains safe and that our community is protected from waterborne diseases.

• Economic Growth: A reliable and efficient sewer system is crucial for attracting new businesses and supporting existing ones. It will create jobs during the construction phase and contribute to the overall economic vitality of Hermann.

• Quality of Life: Residents will benefit from a more dependable sewer service, reducing the likelihood of service disruptions and unpleasant odors that can impact our daily lives.

The cost of these improvements is a necessary investment in our city’s future. While the issuance of bonds represents a financial commitment, the long-term benefits far outweigh the initial costs. Our city may borrow with lease obligations anytime without a vote.  However, with voted bonds the city is able to borrow from DNR at a fixed subsidized interest for 20 years at 1.75%.  Non-voted obligations would mean the cost of the same project would raise rates substantially higher.   We are confident that this initiative will pay dividends for decades to come, enhancing both the livability and sustainability of our community and this plan provides for the least impact to future sewer rates.

We urge our fellow citizens to join us in supporting this important ballot initiative. By voting in favor of the sewer revenue bonds on August 6th, we are making a positive choice for the health, environment, and future prosperity of Hermann.

Thank you for your consideration and for your ongoing efforts to improve our wonderful city.

Hermann Regional Economic Development Initiative (REDI)

Hermann Area Chamber of Commerce