Trump fighting for America’s existance


Ever since Trump became president on January 20, 2017, he has endured the wrath of the Democratic Party. Just two days later, Madonna said she had thoughts of blowing up the White House. Kathy Griffin posed for a photograph showing her holding a severed head of a Trump look alike. James Comey, FBI Director at the time sent two agents to directly interview Michael Flynn and ignored policy that permission for the interview should have been run through the White House. It led to Flynn’s dismissal.

They tried to impeach Trump over a phone call to Zelensky. Since Trump had national security responsibilities, he most likely was trying to find out why Biden, quickly flew to Ukraine with a billion dollars of taxpayer money to stop the investigation into Burisma---the company his son, Hunter worked for, but had no “energy” experience, yet made one million a year. Bobulinski worked with Hunter and declared Joe Biden was getting 10% of Hunter’s influence peddling millions.

Hillary created the Russian hoax and paid for a “fake” Russian dossier. The corrupt FBI secretly recorded Trump’s activities in his residence. The 22-month investigation by Robert Mueller found nothing!

In January, Dems tried to impeach him again when Trump said walk peacefully and patriotically to the Capital! Epoch Times put out a 110-page investigation after viewing all the tapes and revealed Trump, prior to Jan. 6th, offered to send National Guard troops, but Pelosi decline. Pelosi’s planned insurrection failed, so what would they try next?

Then, they tried to take Trump off the ballot in many states---the Supreme Court ruled against them. They raided his home even when he was cooperating.

More recently, prosecutors drummed up fake charges with 98 indictments to keep Trump in court during the election cycle. The prosecuting attorneys worked with the White House, saw that the cases would be handled in fully Democratic states, with radical, Democratic leaning judges. The first case was almost 30 yrs. ago, the second, 18 years, so what about the statute of limitations? With the Supreme Court ruling, it’s likely these cases will fail.

That brings us to the present time when the Democrat Party has called Trump: Hitler, Racist, a threat to Democracy, a Fascist, a dictator, a convicted felon (per judge, jurors didn’t have to agree on a verdict) and Biden said: put Trump in the bullseye! Well, Thomas Crooks heard their shouts and tried to assassinate Trump this weekend! The defiant Trump put his fist in the air and said “FIGHT”, “FIGHT”  and that is what he will continue to do, as opposed to the Democrats that allowed 20 million people into America to gain authoritarian control!

Charlotte Schnieders    

Jefferson City