Roadside Park improvements approved

Posted 6/26/24

You may remember a group of volunteers who have been working to improve Roadside Park and other areas in town. They have already done an impressive job of cleaning up the area, trimming trees, …

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Roadside Park improvements approved


You may remember a group of volunteers who have been working to improve Roadside Park and other areas in town. They have already done an impressive job of cleaning up the area, trimming trees, planting flowers and cutting weeds. With the park now looking neat and tidy, they have turned their attention to adding some attractive structures to the park.

These include an arbor, a foot bridge and re-creating a two-story bandstand. The original bandstand was located in this park and was a popular gathering place for music and refreshments in Gerald’s early days. It was a well-known landmark in the area.

Ron Bentch, Rock Island Trail Coordinator with Missouri State Parks, met with the group in Roadside Park Friday. While the group has been in constant communication with Bentch, the visit allowed him to see the actual layout on the ground where the structures will be located. The group also discussed with Bentch which trees in the park are dying and need to come down before building begins.

The Gerald Area Library has agreed to partner with this volunteer group to help find private grants and donations to fund these objectives.
The library’s board of directors enthusiastically undertook this project. They understand that improving the community and inviting visitors to explore the area helps the entire town.

The group is working closely with Missouri State Parks and the National Parks system to plan an inviting and safe space.

The Rock Island Trail State Parks borders Roadside Park to the north. Plans for the trail head in Gerald now focus on placing it just across the trail from Roadside Park.

Eventually, the trail head could include rest rooms, a water station and an informational kiosk.

All of this, in the center of town, could provide a real boost to the downtown area.

Plans are also in the works for a mural on a building across Main Street from Roadside Park. A muralist has been paid a retainer to develop a concept drawing for the mural. There are separate fund raising efforts underway for that project.

Those who would like to make a general donation for these projects, or a specific donation for one of them, may send a check to Gerald Area Library, PO Box 212, Gerald, MO 63037. Questions may be sent to