Single issue voters


Some voters carry the label “single issue voter”  with pride. They base their votes on any candidate according to their stance on a single public policy question while ignoring anything else.

This one issue trumps anything else.

The most common areas single issue voters focus on are abortion, gun control, and climate change.

Interestingly, political parties have been organized around a single issue. These parties work better in parliamentary systems based on proportional representation than in the two-party system in the United States.

In the U.S., we have had at least three such parties: The Anti-Masonic Party, active from the late 1820s that opposed Freemasonry, The Rent is Too Damn High party which nominated candidates for mayor of New York City in 2005 and 2010; and The Free-Soil Party which opposed the expansion of slavery into western territories of the U.S. from 1848 to 1854. It eventually merged with the Republican Party.

One of the biggest groups of single-issue voters is those concerned with climate change. After all, believing the human race will become extinct unless we stop using fossil fuels is a pretty good reason to focus on only one issue. Let’s face it: Fear sells.

The problem with climate extremists — or any other single-issue voter — is their focus can make them blind to every other issue. 

Case in point: To change how we generate electricity, they are willing to sacrifice around 1 million birds killed by wind farms every year in the U.S. They are willing to overlook that by 2050, used wind turbine blades will exceed 43 million tons of waste.

To lower CO2 emissions, they are also willing to overlook the fact that cobalt, an essential mineral used in the production of lithium-ion batteries for electric cars, is mined with child slave labor in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). That’s okay. It’s not their children or grandchildren breathing toxic dust in the underground mines.

Ironically, according to Siddharth Kara, author of  Cobalt Red, “the mining industry has ravaged the landscape of the DRC. Millions of trees have been cut down, the air around mines is hazy with dust and grit, and the water has been contaminated with toxic effluents from the mining processing.” Does anyone know if the Sierra Club is protesting this?

Many of the Congolese population will experience the end of the world much sooner. Do they understand that their sacrifice could save the rest of humanity?

Single-issue climate extremists also ignore policies that result in death and rape in the U.S.  

In the past 10 days, at least eight illegal immigrants have been arrested and charged with murder, rape and kidnapping across the U.S. These include two illegals accused of strangling a 12-year-old girl in Texas. In Maryland, last week, police announced a mother of five was allegedly murdered by an illegal migrant from El Salvador. 

Last Monday, Missouri State Troopers arrested five illegals accused of kidnapping a 14-year-old Indiana girl.

In New York City, Christian Igna-Landi was arrested for raping a 13-year-old girl. He entered the U.S. illegally in 2021. An immigration judge ordered his removal in 2022. The 13-year-old has to pay the price for President Joe Biden’s immigration policies.

These horrendous crimes are overlooked by many, as long as the current Democrat administration pushes for more electric cars.

More and more Democrat voters — who are not concerned about the climate — will be switching parties this November due to the rising cost of illegal immigration in dollars. They watch Democrat officials giving illegal immigrants everything from cell phones to cash cards and free housing. In fact,  illegal immigration is costing U.S. taxpayers $151 billion a year as of 2023.

Forget illegal immigrants, soft on crime, defund the police policies promoted by Democrats are hurting more. According to a recent study, the 30 American cities with the highest murder rates, 27 have Democrat mayors.

Another problem all Americans face—whether in a red state or a blue state — is inflation caused by Bidenomics (another word for colossal budget deficits).

The last issue these voters ignore is the Biden administration’s weak foreign policy, bringing the world to the brink of World War III.

I ran out of room to bring up woke policies and the Democrat parties movement to Marxism.

Come November, climate extremists will vote for their single issue while the world around them crashes and burns due to current crises they ignore, for one predicted.

No amount of logic will change their minds.