A public apology to Hermann City Council and a reminder to curb passions


To the Editor:

A few weeks ago I submitted a letter to this paper criticizing the Hermann City Council and the recent bill that raised rates on the trash service.

My complaint was the fact there is a limit of 8 bags of trash in the bill and that anything over that will incur an additional fee. In this critique I tended to infer that there was a danger of the growth of government and I expressed a concern as to how it would be determined who was counting the bags and what type of bags were allowed.

While I still have a reasonable concern over those issues it has come to my attention that the 8 bag limit is not the result of the current city council or the mayor. But it seems this limit has been in place for possibly over two decades.

I do apologize for any inference that I gave blaming this city council for instigating the 8 bag limit and I beg their forgiveness for my lack of due diligence in not having first researched the problem before I wrote the previous letter.

I can only hope that my public display of ignorance will at least serve as a reminder to all of us that in this day and age where people tend to react based off their emotions…it’s much wiser to actually think with your brain and know what you’re talking about before you open your mouth.

I know that this has been a humble reminder to me.

Robert Guidry
