Gasconade County Jural Assembly has response to June 26 article


To the Editor:

We are asking these questions of Mr. Collier, as well as all readers of the newspaper, because truthful answers clarify our misconception of events. This understanding is very important because Mr. Collier’s statements about the Gasconade General Jural Assembly are not only misleading but fallacious.

For example, in Mr. Collier’s article, his introductory sentence ends with “…the formal notice of a group calling itself the Gasconade County General Jural Assembly, an organization that, on the surface, appears to have ties with the Sovereign Citizens Movement.”

And Mr. Collier repeats his defamatory “hints” in the ending sentence in his article, “This particular portion of the document, perhaps more than any other, hints at the group’s possible links with the Sovereign Citizens Movement. Many of the people who identify with the movement, which has been in existence for several decades, has had issues with the legal system and the courts across the country.”

We, the members of the Gasconade County General Jural Assembly have NO TIES with any Sovereign Citizens Movement. Furthermore, we are not an organization but a jural assembly established by a covenant, a formal, solemn, binding agreement, in harmony with all 114 counties in Missouri, a nation=state. We have a covenant between We THE People of Gasconade County and our Almighty God to restore our republican form of government that was stolen from us in 1871 when the constitution for the united States of America was changed to the constitution of the UNITED STATES of America and all governments entities became corporations. We are restoring Missouri to the same nation=state as it was when Missouri became a state in August 10, 1821.

To understand our assembly, we ask that all people of Gasconade County read the notice that was read to the county court and was also printed for three weeks in this paper, as well as the Gasconade County Settlement Covenant. It is pertinent to ALL people living in Gasconade County. The Covenant is on record with the Gasconade County Commission and County Clerk. Information about the Missouri General Jural Assemble and history of our country can be found on the website:

I think now is the time to address Mr. Collier’s statement: “10-page document titled the County Settlement Covenant that resembles a constitution of sorts,” and, at the same time, define a covenant.

It is not a constitution, Mr. Collier, but a covenant as our Covenant title says. It’s important to know what a covenant is. According to Webster’s Dictionary, 1828, a “COVENANT, noun” is “to come; a coming together; a meeting or agreement of minds.”

We all have a covenant with our Almighty Creator in one way or another. However, a fellow assembly member recently added that a covenant requires a sacrifice on our part. How true a statement that is! We will continue to sacrifice ALL for the protection and freedom of our country and All our children. And we pray that everyone reading this are willing to do the same.

If Mr. Collier is to write any more correspondence for your paper, we pray that the first correspondence he writes is a factual clarification of the presentation of the notice to the Gasconade County Commissioners and the Gasconade County Clerk, as well as factual information about the Gasconade County General Jural Assembly and its members.

To date, Mr. Collier has not contacted any member of our assembly to get the factual information. We ask that you contact, Mr. William Hermanson, interim chief justice of the Missouri General Jural Assembly, for full history of the assembly as well as educational history of our state and country and more.

Thank you for reading our words and printing them in your newspaper to clarify the true purpose of the Gasconade County General Jural Assembly. Missouri General Jural Assembly and all Missouri county assemblies’ true purpose is to restore our original republican form of government to Missouri and its counties through peaceful, lawful and constitutional ways as stated in our Covenants.

God bless you and your loved ones,

Gasconade County General Jural Assembly