America is on borrowed time


The 2024 Presidential debates showed a stark contrast between a GOP candidate, who was strong, knowledgeable and who risked his own fortune for our great country and a befuddled, confused “old man” barely able to walk to the podium, who took millions from other countries! Biden spent six days with 16 advisors in preparation that started at 11:00 AM but stopped after lunch for his nap! Biden’s White House schedule is from 10:00 to 4:00 and he vacations 40% of the time, so please remind our enemies to work within those guidelines.

MSNBC, CNN commentators and Van Jones feigned shock and immediately stated: “Joe can’t be the candidate, he was a disaster”!  Have they completely forgotten the 2020 Democratic debates showing that Kamala and Joe were cognitive fools and had it not been for S. Carolina’s political icon, James Clyburn’s endorsement, they would have been toast? Enter Soros, Rockefeller, Pritzker and Gates, those evil megadonors that support them. Democrats are experts in winning elections by not purging voter rolls of deceased/moved people, nightly stuffing ballot boxes (already in place in Wisconsin), voters getting 8 ballots in massive mailout balloting. Ignoring in 2020 the 1000 signed affidavits under penalty of perjury where people witnessed fraud. A semi-truck driver taking a full load of Biden ballots from PA. to NY. Polling places closed, yet videos showed workers running ballots through multiple times and some were counted up to ten days after the election with signature requirement ignored. Illegals not on registries allowed to vote. As Molly Hemingway wrote in “Rigged”, Democrats have cheated since elections started. Robert Hur investigated Biden for “illegally” taking classified documents to his garage and sharing them with a ghostwriter, who was writing his biography. Hur concluded that Biden doesn’t have the cognitive ability to stand trial, as he couldn’t remember when he was VP or when his son died. Now, Hunter is attending Biden’s W.H. meetings! Democrats have given us open borders resulting in more crime, drugs, terrorists, inflation and protestors shouting “death to America”! We are quickly amassing an untenable debt with funding the Russia/Ukraine war, the Israel/Hamas war, illegals and student debt!

With Biden aligning the G7 countries to steal $300 billion of Russia’s assets does he not realize Putin could counter and steal $300 billion of Americans’ assets in Russia? This could cause other countries to reduce US dollar holdings and weaken the dollar. Putin also has relationships with China and North Korea who have nuclear missiles? Even if those countries didn’t give Putin missiles, they could give him the technology to make them. Americans need to WAKE UP and get a true leader to run this country and it isn’t Biden or Harris!

Charlotte Schnieders