Our country is in terrible shape


Dear Editor:

Last week the presidential debate was a sad day for the U.S.A. Now the whole world knows that our president is unfit to serve as president and commander-in-chief.

It was also a rewarding day, now the people and news media that support him have to realize we all know he is president in name only.

Go back four years, Joe Biden stayed hid in his house very seldom to be seen or heard from throughout the campaign. The Washington, D.C. Establishment, the Democratic Elite, a news media campaigned for him. They also helped to elect the worst president of the United States of America. The above groups also were involved in states mailing absentee ballots to every person on their unclean voter registration, ballot harvesting, counting votes two weeks after election, abolishing traditional honest election safeguards. We must have honest elections, we must have verified voter I.D., U.S. citizens only. Our freedom, security and prosperity depend on our election.

Our government is controlled by Obama (he wanted to destroy the U.S.A. government from day one). His chosen people, the Washington, D.C. Establishment, the political elite. They want total government control. They do not want a government of the people, for the people, by the people.

Our country is in terrible shape, corrupt, federal debt, weak military, low patriotism. A poll of ages 18-30 only 40% said they would be willing to serve in the military. Time for change. Love God, family, neighbor, country.

Charles W. Schroeder,
