County road resident believes change is needed


To the Editor:

I think everyone needs to think very seriously about the importance of a change in the county commission!

I’m going to address county roads.

Anyone that lives on county roads will know that the roads have gone to crap for a long time. Now they are prepared to “adopt a uniform speed limit county wide.”

Commissioner Lairmore says 35 mph speed limit will keep the dust down — we will see. On these roads, driving 35 mph will bounce a vehicle all over the place. Those of you who are friends of the commissioners and are getting your roads chip and sealed, just wait, it will be expensive to keep them up-you will almost wish for gravel back.

Today I called the county road shed and told the lady that answered the phone that North of Highway 50 from Drake to Mount Sterling, the county roads needed serious work, and the culvert pipe on Little Bay Road that had been damaged in December still had not been fixed!

You know what I was told?

“When the chip and sealing is done, we’ll work on getting to it all.”

I asked if chip and sealing take precedence over everything else. Her answer was “when the bosses who are the commissioners say so, yes.

Why are the commissioners the “bosses”?

Isn’t there a county road boss and assistant? Why are they being paid higher wages than other workers if the commissioners are doing the jobs they are being paid for? Do the commissioners do this with all county offices?

If they do not trust people to do their jobs, replace them! With the highest county sales taxes posted in forever, none of this should be an issue!

We now have the opportunity for a change with two excellent candidates running against Jerry Lairmore and Jim Holland.

Ron Hardecke and Todd Alferman are running against them and I for one will be voting for change!

Thank you,

Denise Kottwitz