July Sisters Day


Spring and summer seem to be battling for dominance over the 7th month of the year. Small groups of cool bright days took us back to May then hot humid day reminds us it is July or is it August. Neither kept the sisters from gathering to celebrate.

I had to miss this month, but Pam took notes so I will try to compose the story of the July Sisters Day. Those present were Lucy Branson, Mary Jo Crider, Shirley Huffman, our hostess, Pam Hale and Susie Kleffner. 

We gathered at the home of Shirley Huffman. The table was set. After collecting their coffee, they selected their places at the table. Breakfast consisted of biscuits and sausage gravy accompanied with fresh cherries and grapes and an Amish cinnamon bread. I know it was delicious and much enjoyed.

They discussed how the flowers are growing this year. Most are doing well especially if you keep them watered during the hot spells. Even the wild flowers are growing and decorating the sides of the roads and highways.

The hot weather is also affecting the wild fruits. Blackberries are doing poorly. The few wild patches left did not produce many this year.  I remember when I was a kid, we greased our ankles and headed out the door to the blackberry patches in Uncle Joe Bushman’s fields. If there was enough of us going to pick, we would take Uncle Joe’s tractor and hay wagon. We’d pick all day and can them the next day.

We’d go to the creek to swim and wash the chiggers off.