People who hate this country...


The criteria for running for president or any office in the United States should be that you love this country, would defend it at all costs, not bankrupt it and follow the constitution and laws. From Obama’s time in, Democrats have shown winning at any cost is key and why illegals have been given SS# of dead people and driver’s licenses to vote. Missourians might not be aware of this, but Democrats rarely purge voter rolls and Kamala just declared 3.3 million illegals citizens to vote in November! Voting laws will be altered, but they get by with it. Molly Hemingway wrote “Rigged” that describes how Democrats have cheated in elections since elections began! 

Democrats speak of Republicans destroying democracy, but what did they just do? Biden had 99% of 4000 delegates and they kicked him aside, not giving anyone else in the party the chance to run. Why they thought Kamala, the word salad queen, who can’t answer a question, so hasn’t taken any!  Putin, Xi Jinping, Ali Khamenei won’t find her cackling entertaining or substantive! They saw weakness during the Biden administration and why Putin attacked Ukraine, Hamas attacked Israel and China could take Taiwan any time they want. Biden gave China territory in the South China Seas and they built a massive island of weapons---many they might have purchased from Afghanistan!  Kamala said she was the last person in the room making that decision. Killed 13 American soldiers and left hundreds of their translators behind that brave soldiers rescued! China and the Taliban just celebrated the 3 yr. anniversary of obtaining 92 Billion dollars of US WEAPONS!  Biden/Harris ignored the advice of three Generals on how to exit properly, because they have so much military experience!

Biden/Harris spent seven trillion dollars in the Inflation Reduction Plan, Build Back Better and Green Deal! Trump had inflation at 1.2% and now it is over 19%. Kamala announced giving 400,000 1st time homebuyers $25000, which equates to $10 trillion dollars. She plans to raise taxes on Americans to 80% so illegals can have the niceties we have (that’s Marxism)! Biden/Harris ignored the Supreme Ct. and paid $167 billion in student loans---buying votes with your money! Now Dems want to stack the court with liberal judges, make DC and Puerto Rico states, put judges under a code of conduct, and destroy judges lifetime tenure.

Walz, Kamala’s running mate has a history of embellishing his military career. He quit his unit when they were deploring to Iraq, but talked incessantly about being a Command Sergeant Major and the weapons he used in war! He allowed Minnesota to burn to the ground, because rioters have rights! Kamala/Walz’s radical policies will destroy America!

Charlotte Schnieders   

Jefferson City,